When 'green' is the new gold
I read somewhere that if you have seeds, you have gold. It is of higher value than gold itself. Seeds are easier to sell, of lesser risk and with time, their values appreciate. Gold is harder to dispose, it takes a long time to earn or possess gold bars. Not everyone can possess a gold bar, but seeds? They can be everywhere, to anyone, rich or poor.Seeds along with land, farmer and inputs can feed a community and a country. Agriculture plays a major impact on the health and economy of a nation. Thankfully we are in Luzon’s vegetable and palay basket, where 90% of the economy is dependent on farming.

ABC is the leading supplier, producer and breeder of vegetable seeds in the Philippines. With a solid program for localized breeding, the company prides itself with its rigid selection and breeding for tropical vegetables.
According to their website, they also supply the best quality vegetable and flower seeds in the Philippines. “We carry some of the world’s best known brands in the horticulture business. Each brand is a symbol of excellence and specialization in its field. Each brand is a result of our meticulous and rigid screening and selection. In partnership with our foreign suppliers, we pride ourselves in bringing the best seeds and fertilizer technology available to the Filipino farmers”, the company claims.
When FOCUS visited their research station in Tayug, we were met by Herlo Atole, the farm manager. He showed us how they breed seeds for commercial purposes. He even enumerated its processes.
Accordingly, there are two kinds of seeds. One is the open-pollinated variety (OP), which is the common heirloom seeds from farmers, and the hybrid seeds that are being distributed by seed companies.
Hybrid seeds are carefully selected, tested, and exposed to harmful elements and challenges faced by farmers in the Philippines. Most seed varieties are being tested in their Tayug farm. We saw different varieties of pinakbet vegetables which the company is a market leader in the category. Other vegetables include cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, fennel, onions, chili and green pepper, bell pepper, sigarilyas (winged beans), squash, and string beans among others.

ABC is a company with a heart. They give technical support and other incentives to farmers so they’ll know how to win against natural and environmental hazards that come with farming.
They wanted farmers to earn more by doing the right things and using the right seeds. They believe that they can only be successful if farmers using their brands are happy about their sales and produce.
Allied Botanical Corporation is one of the few companies with a conscience. They share their expertise to farmers and other agri groups and even hobbyists.
Once or twice a year, they open their doors to the public through their Open Field Day, a showcase of their plant varieties.

The world is undeniably facing ‘real food’ shortage. With calamities that destroy our lands, marine and other resources, it is imperative to be prepared. Rather than accumulate riches, gold and currencies, we’d rather save up on seeds. Seeds that when properly stored can have long shelf life. Seeds that when properly planted and taken care of can feed an army, a community, and even a country.
Let’s make it an advocacy to have stored seeds in every household. We do not know what will happen tomorrow so if in case another typhoon like Yolanda ravages our areas, at least we have something to start with.
In today’s economy, seeds are truly the new gold. (Vanj Padilla) FOCUS
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